Safeguarding Policy: SHAKESPEARE LINK

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is a term describing how we protect adults and children from abuse or neglect. It is about protecting people who may be in vulnerable circumstances and may be at risk of abuse and neglect due to another’s actions or lack of action. Safeguarding is carried out as collaboration between organisations, public services and local authorities.

To whom does it apply?

In Wales, Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 is the latest legislation covering safeguarding, in force from April 2016 and applies to:

Children - a person aged under 18 years.  (in certain circumstances children’s legal rights can apply to a person up to the age of 25; who has a learning disability or who has been looked after by a local authority at any time after reaching the age of 16)

Vulnerable Adults – someone who is over 18 and has the dependency on others for the performance of or the requirement for assistance in basic functioning, a severe impairment in communication ability or a reduced ability to protect themselves from abuse, assault or neglect.

All Shakespeare Link trustees, employees, committee members and other volunteers have a duty with respect to safeguarding. Vulnerable individuals could include: children, young people, adults with learning difficulties or physical disability, frail, elderly people and their carers.

They should respond to any concerns raised regarding the physical, sexual, emotional or psychological safety of a vulnerable person or concerns relating to discrimination against, or violation or exploitation of, a vulnerable person. This policy is in place to protect all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion or faith.


The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult is paramount and is the responsibility of everyone. All children and vulnerable adults, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse, whether physical, verbal, sexual, financial, bullying, exclusion or neglect. Bullying, shouting, physical violence, sexism and racism towards users not be permitted or tolerated.

Policy Statement

No trustee, employee, contractor, committee member or other volunteer will have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless they have been through a safe recruitment procedure and Child Protection or Vulnerable Adults Protection introductory training.

All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a vulnerable adult or child will be taken seriously and dealt with speedily and appropriately.

All trustees, employees, contractors, committee members or other volunteers need to be aware of this policy and should be offered introductory training where appropriate. There will be a nominated Safeguarding officer to whom any suspicions or concerns should be reported.

The nominated Safeguarding officer will have responsibility for reporting concerns that arise, as a matter of urgency, to the appropriate agency of the local authority or the police. The representative may choose to have a confidential discussion with others in order to clear up any misunderstandings or to corroborate and support any suspicions before reporting a concern to an external agency. 

The nominated person should:

·       Know who to contact in Social Services for advice and referrals

·       Know about helplines and other sources of help for children and young people and vulnerable adults

·       Ensure that there is an environment in which people have the opportunity to raise any concerns relating to the welfare of young or vulnerable users.

·       All Local Authorities in Wales have their own contact for safeguarding issues. In Powys it is ASSIST (formerly PPD) Tel: 01597 828649.

·       Shakespeare Link’s nominated Safeguarding Officer is Louise Lamb (Tel.: 07855 499957)


Dealing with disclosures

If a child or adult at risk tells you that they are being abused, or if an allegation is raised by a third party, the following steps should be followed:

·       Try not to appear shocked and show that you accept what they are saying and that you take their allegation seriously. Listen carefully and sympathetically and bear in mind communication in relation to age or any learning disabilities.

·       Do not prompt or ask leading questions.

·       Explain what action you must take i.e. immediate referral to a designated person.

·       Do not promise confidentiality, as information on abuse must be reported.

·       Make a note of the date, time, place, and people who were present and write down exactly what you have been told, using the exact words if possible.

·       Do not confront the alleged abuser.

·       Refer all information immediately to the relevant designated person.

·       All allegations of abuse of children or adults at risks must be reported to the designated person on the day that they are raised, who will then take all further necessary action. This is the case whether the alleged abuse took place within Shakespeare Link or another organisation.

Individuals should never deal with abuse disclosures in isolation and should always refer to the nominated person.


This policy will be reviewed yearly and updated as required.   The next review date will be 1st June 2023.

Date                             28th June 2022